Between the end of March and the beginning of April, we polled over 400 users on their concerns regarding COVID-19. A brief overview of the results can be found at our Thinker Poll Page.
Below, we describe the results in greater detail.
First is the distribution of our sample by age bracket:
a. 13 – 23 (168 votes, 39.90%)
b. 24 – 39 (182 votes, 43.23%)
c. 40 – 55 (63 votes, 14.96%)
d. 56 – 74 (8 votes, 1.90%)
Across age brackets, respondents were most likely to consider their lives “significantly” affected by COVID-19. Specifically, 66% of those in the 13-23 age bracket, 57% in the 24-39 age bracket, 65% in the 40-55 age bracket, and 75% in the 56-74 age bracket stated that their lives were significantly affected by COVID-19.
Across age brackets, “Moderately” was the second-most-selected choice, with 24% to 34% of respondents in each age bracket selecting this option. “Minimally” was selected between 7% and 10% of the time, and “Not at all” was selected less than 2% of the time.
The above graph shows the distribution of top concerns across age brackets. Concerns were somewhat similar across brackets, with “A loved one contracting the virus,” “Loss of work,” “Supply shortages,” and “Contracting the virus” being the prominent concerns. Although concerns were somewhat similar across age brackets, there are two distinct trends of particular interest:
- An overall decreasing emphasis on school closures as age increases.
- A relative increase in concern over contracting the virus as age increases. The percentages of those who considered contracting the virus a top concern are outlined below, by age bracket:
- 13-23: 9%
- 24-39: 12%
- 40-55: 17%
- 56-74: 29%
Respondents were given an option to express additional concerns that were not listed. Some concerns were:
- Racism against Asian Americans
- Mental health effects
- Long-term impacts
- Uncertainty with pregnancy
- Not being able to visit an ill loved one due to current restrictions
Across age brackets, an overwhelming majority (between 76% and 88%) of respondents stated that they personally knew individuals who lost work due to the virus.
Very few respondents stated that they did not know any individuals who lost work due to coronavirus. Below are the specific percentages of respondents who reported not knowing anyone who lost work due to the coronavirus, by age bracket:
- 13-23: 2%
- 24-39: 4%
- 40-55: 5%
- 56-74: 0%
Across age brackets, between 10% and 14% of respondents stated that they personally knew someone who contracted the virus. Most participants stated that they did not personally know anyone who contracted the virus. Near-identical percentages were seen when comparing the number of “yes” and “unsure” responses, except in the 13-23 age bracket, in which “unsure” was more commonly reported.
We’re going to track this information and run similar polls on COVID-19 in the future as concerns change and new concerns emerge. Please continue to follow local guidance on social distancing and shelter-in-place policies.

Candise Larry
Candise is a UX researcher who has experience working for the National Science Foundation, MIT, Harvard University, and veteran game developers! Her previous work includes research on augmented reality (AR) in technology education, video game UX research, and quantitative analyses in school settings. Candise studied neuroscience and statistics at Harvard university, secondary mathematics education at Johns Hopkins University, and biology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.