Conducting DIY research can be daunting, particularly when you don’t know where to start. Every week, hundreds of newly-formed businesses seek out customer insights for the first time. And, in many of those instances, the person creating the research projects is an expert in product, marketing or engineering, and while they know what they want to ask potential customers, they aren’t sure they know how to ask the questions of research subjects. 

Proper research can be cumbersome and expensive, so, many businesses are looking for “hack” that would get customer input, quickly and inexpensively. That’s how a lot of people discover methinks. But, in a time of social distancing and forced work-from-home, it’s extremely important to gather research professional best practices and guidelines. For this reason, the methinks Research Ops team put together a handbook with DIY Research Pro tips that will help any research enthusiast gain impartial and valuable customer insights. 

Click here to download our DIY Research Pro Tips handbook and say “hello” to remote research in no time.

Wilson Li

Wilson is the co-founder of methinks, and among other duties, he manages the research operations team that helps methinks customers scope, define and execute on qualitative research projects. In his previous positions, Wilson led pre-release product testing, user research and usability research projects at games companies, before becoming a product manager and web development lead.  

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