
Case Studies

Every company has access to business performance data, site traffic data, app event data. All of that input prompts product and business managers to ask related “why” questions - why are consumers doing what the quantitative data reports? methinks is in the business of answering “why” questions. methinks delivers consumer insights, enabling our customers to confidently deliver improvements in product, marketing, and sales. ​

Learn how businesses use methinks to grow and expand, quickly.

What do our clients think?

"methinks has been the easiest way for us to conduct quality user testing without introducing biases. When our own team members conduct user tests, users are sometimes hesitant to share their unfiltered thoughts. With methinks, we get the real story so we can pivot our product and new features quickly at the prototype phase, which ultimately leads to saving on development costs in a big way.”

Susan Ho, Founder at Journy 

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