quantitative research

Younger methinks Thinker’s identify the Key Issues for Young Voters

 It’s 2020 and Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada have already voiced their opinions on who should be the next Democratic nominee. And, while the GOP’s nominee is a foregone conclusion, big questions are still hanging in the air.  How do people feel about the economy? What other issues will emerge as deciding factors in the general …

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What is the Difference Between Quantitative and Qualitative Research?

An easy way to remember the difference between quantitative and qualitative research is to look at them as forms of storytelling. Quantitative research will give you a high-level view of your subject, a high-level answer to your question. Qualitative research will enable you to zoom in and identify the details in between that are responsible for the outcome, a more detailed explanation of why things happened the way they did. The combination of both types in a research project, if applicable, often produces the most powerful conclusions. 

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